Lorient premiere: 13/10/2015
Paris premiere: 3/11/2015
Author: Christophe Honoré inspired by Witold Gombrowicz
Title: The End of History (Fin de l'Histoire)
Direction: Christophe Honoré

4, 5 December 2015, 7:00 PM
Boguslawski Hall
Running time: 3 hours
performance played in French with Polish surtitles

Ticket prices:

full-price ticket:
zone I: 85 PLN
zone II: 75 PLN

half-price ticket:
zone I: 75 PLN
zone II: 65 PLN

standing tickets:
40 PLN



The End of History

Christophe Honoré juxtaposes Witold Gombrowicz's drama with Francis Fukuyama's philosophical concepts. By reflecting the two authors, he tries to answer the question, what is History for us, living in the 21st century?

Can History really end? Theses of Fukuyama, and also Hegel, Marx, Kojève, Derrida do not close the unfinished drama, they rather open it for the challenges of the modern world.

Written and directed by Christophe Honoré
Stage design: Alban Ho Van
Lighting design: Kelig Le Bars
Costume design: Marie La Rocca
Dramaturgy, Assistant director: Sébastien Lévy
Stage design assistant (intern): Benoit Batard


Jean-Charles Clichet
Sébastien Éveno
Julien Honoré
Erwan Ha Kyoon Larcher
Élise Lhomeau
Annie Mercier
Mathieu Saccucci
Marlène Saldana

Co-production CDDB – Théâtre de Lorient, Centre Dramatique National, La Colline – théâtre national, Théâtre National de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, Le Grand T, théâtre de Loire-Atlantique, Maison des arts de Créteil.
With Jeune Théâtre National.
Stage construction Grand T


CENTRE DRAMATIQUE NATIONAL THÉATRE DE LORIENT – its beginnings date back to 1947. In the 80s and 90s it functioned as the regional drama center, which was officially acknowledged in 1966. In 2002 it gained the status of the National Drama Center.

LA COLLINE  - THÉATRE NATIONAL - the youngest of the five national theatres in France (Comédie-Française, Théâtre de l'Odéon, Théâtre National de Chaillot, Théâtre National de Strasbourg and La Colline). Although its beginnings date back to 1963, it has operated as La Colline since 1988. Today the theatre is directed by Stéphane Braunschweig.


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