Opening Night: 26 October 2024
Author: Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Title: Faust
Original Title: Faust. Eine Tragödie
Translator: Adam Pomorski
Director: Wojciech Faruga

Auditorium: Boguslawski Hall

Ticket prices:

full-price tickets:
zone I: 120 zł
zone II: 110 zł

concession tickets:
zone I: 85 zł
zone II: 75 zł

rush ticket: 40 PLN  more info →

students of state theatre and art schools: 
15 PLN more info →


Faust is a story based on an ancient legend of a scholar who yearns so much for just a moment of happiness that he makes a pact with the devil.

It is also a reflection on the different stages of human life – Goethe started working on this story in his youth and continued into old age. Lastly, it is a mirror held up to European culture as a whole and one of its greatest masterpieces.

Successive generations have gazed at themselves in this mirror for two hundred years. What do today's creators see in it, having grown up at the turn of the century and facing the future with the baggage of their own experiences?

Rehearsal for Faust – Damian Kwiatkowski, Henryk Simon, Paweł Brzeszcz. Photo by Marta Ankiersztejn 

direction: Wojciech Faruga
dramaturgy: Julia Holewińska
set and light design, costume: Katarzyna Borkowska
music: Teoniki Rożynek
choreography, stage movement: Bartłomiej Gąsior

technological projects and execution of elements of decoration and props: technical studios of the National Theatre

The play contains excerpts from Hymn of the Pearla passage of the apocryphal Acts of Thomas (trans. Czesław Miłosz). 
The idea of using suitcases containing items representing the 20th century was taken from Peter Greenaway's film trilogy The Tulse Luper Suitcases.

Please mind that in some scenes during the show appear incense smoke and cigarette smoke, as well as loud gunshots. 


Production team

  • director's assistant: Maciej Jaszczyński  
  • lighting technicians: Bartłomiej Kaczalski, Zbigniew Szulim, Krzysztof Łukasz Stefan
    • sound technicians: Mariusz Maszewski, Marek Szymański, Hubert Majewski
    • wireless microphone system support: Maciej Buczek, Michał Fedec, Bartosz Kossakowski, Michał Kozłowski, Rafał Nizio
  • stage manager: Katarzyna Kłosowska-Kobiałka
    prompter: Anna Leszczyńska

Licence for this stage production was granted by the Society of Authors – ZAiKS.


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