Opening Night: 15 November 2013
Author: Tennessee Williams
Title: Kotka na gorącym blaszanym dachu
Original Title: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 
Translator: Jacek Poniedziałek 
Director: Grzegorz Chrapkiewicz

Auditorium: Wierzbowa Street Hall
Running time: 1 hour, 45 min, no interval

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Lively characters, psychological complications. A relentless run for money. A tale of family hypocrisy in a new, powerful translation by Jacek Poniedziałek.

Tennessee Williams’s story of a millionaire from the American South is given a razor-sharp stage rendition by Grzegorz Chrapkiewicz. The brutality of human relationships manifests itself in language and violent emotions. Family ties, both parental and marital, collapse, which is followed by alcohol intoxication and sexual frustrations. The burden of lies, disappointment, pretending, rejection and suffering is unbearable. It is hard to refrain yourself from inflicting unnecessary pain.

Spectacle for adult audiences.

director: Grzegorz Chrapkiewicz 
set design: Boris Kudlička 
costume design: Dorota Roqueplo 
music: Leszek Możdżer 
lighting design: Jacqueline Sobiszewski


Margaret Małgorzata Kożuchowska, Edyta Olszówka (from April 8, 2014)
Brick Grzegorz Małecki
Mae "Sister Woman" Beata Ścibakówna
Big Mama Ewa Wiśniewska
Big Daddy Janusz Gajos
Reverend Tooker Marcin Przybylski / Krzysztof Wakuliński (from September 30, 2014; as a guest actor from September 1, 2015)
Gooper "Brother Man" Oskar Hamerski
Doctor Baugh Mirosław Konarowski

Production team:

  • director's assistant: Marcin Hycnar
  • video production: Stanisław Zaleski
  • set designer's assistants: Arkadiusz Chrustowski, Elwira Szyszka
  • costume designer's assistant: Anita Trzaskowska
  • lighting technicians: Łukasz Obuch-Woszczatyński, Tomasz Księżak
  • sound technicians: Marcin Kotwa, Maciej Rybicki
  • video technicians: Mariusz Chałubek, Paweł Woźniak
  • stage manager: Krzysztof Kuszczyk
  • prompter: [Jolanta Szydłowska]

Licence for this stage production was granted by the Society of Authors – ZAiKS. Performance of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof has been produced within agreement with The University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee.


Partner of the production's opening night:



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