Past Seasons

WIELCY NIEPOWAŻNI: Dalekowidz z Sumatry

WIELCY NIEPOWAŻNI: Dalekowidz z Sumatry

czytanie poświęcone twórczości Wisławy Szymborskiej

The Piano Has Been Drinking

The Piano Has Been Drinking

Author: Tom Waits 
Arrangement of Songs: Marcin Przybylski
Marcin Przybylski

The Robbers

The Robbers

Original Title: Die Räuber
Author: Friedrich Schiller 
Director: Michał Zadara


A Proof of the Other's Existence

A Proof of the Other's Existence

Original Title: Dowód na istnienie drugiego
Maciej Wojtyszko
Director: Maciej Wojtyszko



Original Title: Лeд
Author: Vladimir Sorokin
Director: Konstantin Bogomolov

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Author: Tennessee Williams
Director: Grzegorz Chrapkiewicz

Silence about Job

Silence about Job

Based on Book of Job
Director: Piotr Cieplak

The Bald Soprano

The Bald Soprano

Original Title: La Cantatrice chauve
Author: Eugène Ionesco 
Director: Maciej Prus

Pegasus' Saddle. Songs by Jerzy Wasowski

Pegasus' Saddle. Songs by Jerzy Wasowski

Original Title: Siodło Pegaza. Utwory Jerzego Wasowskiego
Author: Jerzy Wasowski
Director: Ewa Konstancja Bułhak

The Anonymous Work

The Anonymous Work

Original Title: Bezimienne dzieło
Author: Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz
Director: Jan Englert

Queen Margot

Queen Margot

Original Title: La Reine Margot
Alexandre Dumas (father) 
Director: Grzegorz Wiśniewski

Nathan the Wise

Nathan the Wise

Original Title: Nathan der Weise
Author: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Director: Natalia Korczakowska



Original Title: Pożegnania
Stanisław Dygat 
Director: Agnieszka Glińska

In a Dark Dark House

In a Dark Dark House

Author: Neil LaBute 
Director: Grażyna Kania



Original Title: Ορέστεια
Author: Aeschylus
Director: Maja Kleczewska

The Woman with Matchsticks

The Woman with Matchsticks

Original Title: «…он …я …они…» или «ДЕВОЧКА И СПИЧКИ»
Author: Klim
Director: Aleksandra Konieczna



Original Title: Aktor
Author: Cyprian Kamil Norwid
Director: Michał Zadara

The Anguish of Life

The Anguish of Life

Original Title: מלאכת החיים
Author: Hanoch Levin 
Director: Jan Englert



Inspired by Bram Stoker's novel Dracula 
Director: Grzegorz Jarzyna

The Cause

The Cause

Original Title: Samuel Zborowski 
Author: Juliusz Słowacki
Director: Jerzy Jarocki



Original Title: Lorenzaccio
Author: Alfred de Musset
Director: Jacques Lassalle

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